Movie search results







Yul Brynner, Ingrid Bergman, Guy Bolton, Anatole Litvak, Akim Tamiroff, Helen Hayes, Arthur Laurents, Marcelle Maurette

Anastasia is a movie starring Ingrid Bergman, Yul Brynner, and Helen Hayes. An opportunistic Russian businessman tries to pass a mysterious impostor as the Grand Duchess Anastasia. But she is so convincing in her performance that...

Korean (3 years ago)
Serbian (4 years ago)
Spanish (4 years ago)






Brian Donlevy, Akim Tamiroff, Preston Sturges, Allyn Joslyn, Muriel Angelus

The Great McGinty is a movie starring Brian Donlevy, Muriel Angelus, and Akim Tamiroff. Dan McGinty has great success in his chosen field of crooked politics, but he endangers it all in one crazy moment of honesty.

Farsi/Persian (4 years ago)

Ricardo Montalban, Edward Dmytryk, Akim Tamiroff, Maximilian Schell, John Fante, Joseph Petracca, Lea Padovani

The Reluctant Saint is a movie starring Maximilian Schell, Ricardo Montalban, and Lea Padovani. In 17th century Italy, a simple and clumsy young man joins a Franciscan order, pursues full priesthood and performs a miracle that...

French (4 years ago)
English (4 years ago)
Arabic (4 years ago)

Akim Tamiroff, Bill Walsh, Don DaGradi, Dick Van Dyke, Daniel Defoe, Nancy Kwan, Walt Disney, Arthur Malet, Byron Paul

Lt. Robin Crusoe, U.S.N. is a movie starring Dick Van Dyke, Nancy Kwan, and Akim Tamiroff. Lt. Robin Crusoe is a navy pilot who bails out of his plane after engine trouble. He reaches a deserted island paradise where he builds a...

Thai (4 years ago)
English (4 years ago)
Arabic (4 years ago)

Ernest Hemingway, Louis Bromfield, Ingrid Bergman, Dudley Nichols, Sam Wood, Akim Tamiroff, Jeanie Macpherson, Gary Cooper, Arturo de Córdova

For Whom the Bell Tolls is a movie starring Gary Cooper, Ingrid Bergman, and Akim Tamiroff. During the Spanish Civil War, an American allied with the Republicans finds romance during a desperate mission to blow up a strategically...

Vietnamese (4 years ago)
Vietnamese (4 years ago)
Spanish (4 years ago)






Katharine Hepburn, Jack Conway, Akim Tamiroff, Walter Huston, Jane Murfin, Aline MacMahon, Marguerite Roberts, Harold S. Bucquet, Pearl S. Buck

Dragon Seed is a movie starring Katharine Hepburn, Walter Huston, and Aline MacMahon. The lives of a small Chinese village are turned upside down when the Japanese invade it. And a heroic young Chinese woman leads her fellow...

English (3 years ago)
French (4 years ago)
English (4 years ago)






Charles Brackett, Franchot Tone, Billy Wilder, Anne Baxter, Lajos Biró, Akim Tamiroff, Erich von Stroheim

Five Graves to Cairo is a movie starring Franchot Tone, Anne Baxter, and Akim Tamiroff. During World War II, an undercover British soldier tries get word to the Allies that the Germans have tons of supplies buried in five...

Turkish (3 years ago)
English (3 years ago)
Big 5 code (3 years ago)

Lewis R. Foster, Akim Tamiroff, Robert Paige, John D. Klorer, Leo Townsend, Deanna Durbin, David Bruce, Frank Ryan, Samuel J. Warshawsky, Curtis B. Warshawsky

Can't Help Singing is a movie starring Deanna Durbin, Robert Paige, and Akim Tamiroff. A senator's daughter (who can't help singing) follows her boyfriend West in the days of the California gold rush.







Joel McCrea, Cecil B. DeMille, Stanley Rauh, Barbara Stanwyck, Robert Preston, C. Gardner Sullivan, Akim Tamiroff, Walter DeLeon, Jesse Lasky Jr., Jack Cunningham, Ernest Haycox, Frederick Hazlitt Brennan, Jeanie Macpherson

Union Pacific is a movie starring Barbara Stanwyck, Joel McCrea, and Akim Tamiroff. In 1862, Central Pacific and Union Pacific Railroads compete westward across the wilderness toward California.

Spanish (4 years ago)
Serbian (4 years ago)
Hungarian (4 years ago)






Jesús Franco, Orson Welles, Miguel de Cervantes y Saavedra, Francisco Reiguera, Akim Tamiroff, Pepe Mediavilla, Juan Carlos Ordóñez, Javier Mina

Don Quijote de Orson Welles is a movie starring Francisco Reiguera, Akim Tamiroff, and Pepe Mediavilla. The story of a Spanish gentlemen gone mad and his dim-witted squire sancho panza, who set forth on a journey to right wrongs and...

Farsi/Persian (4 years ago)

Talbot Jennings, Henry Hathaway, George Raft, Henry Fonda, Jules Furthman, Dale Van Every, Akim Tamiroff, Curt Siodmak, Stuart Anthony, Dorothy Lamour, Robert Yost, Barrett Willoughby

Spawn of the North is a movie starring George Raft, Henry Fonda, and Dorothy Lamour. Friends since childhood, two men are on opposite sides in a salmon fishing conflict.

French (4 years ago)