Movie search results







Claudette Colbert, Joseph Schildkraut, Plutarch, Waldemar Young, Warren William, Henry Wilcoxon, Cecil B. DeMille, Vincent Lawrence, Bartlett Cormack

Cleopatra is a movie starring Claudette Colbert, Warren William, and Henry Wilcoxon. The man-hungry Queen of Egypt leads Julius Caesar and Mark Antony astray, amid scenes of DeMillean splendor.

Danish (3 years ago)
Arabic (4 years ago)
Arabic (4 years ago)

John Huston, Richard Harris, Percy Herbert, Henry Wilcoxon, Richard C. Sarafian, Jack DeWitt

Man in the Wilderness is a movie starring Richard Harris, John Huston, and Henry Wilcoxon. Left for dead after a bear attack, a fur-trapper recuperates and pursues his former companions through dangerous Indian territory.

Turkish (3 years ago)
Turkish (3 years ago)
Turkish (3 years ago)






James Hilton, Walter Pidgeon, Teresa Wright, William Wyler, R.C. Sherriff, Henry Wilcoxon, Greer Garson, Claudine West, George Froeschel, Arthur Wimperis, May Whitty, Paul Osborn, Jan Struther

Mrs. Miniver is a movie starring Greer Garson, Walter Pidgeon, and Teresa Wright. A British family struggles to survive the first months of World War II.

English (3 years ago)
Greek (3 years ago)
Spanish (4 years ago)

Philip MacDonald, Henry Wilcoxon, Peter Lorre, Norman Foster, John P. Marquand, Mary Maguire, Erik Rhodes

Mysterious Mr. Moto is a movie starring Peter Lorre, Mary Maguire, and Henry Wilcoxon. Mr. Moto has himself imprisoned on Devil's Island so he can help his cellmate escape and thereby get the goods on a gang of international killers.

Greek (4 years ago)
English (4 years ago)
English (4 years ago)