Movie search results







George Seaton, Anne Baxter, James Ellison, Archie Mayo, Kay Francis, Brandon Thomas, Jack Benny

Charley's Aunt is a movie starring Jack Benny, Kay Francis, and James Ellison. In 1890, two students at Oxford force their rascally friend and fellow student to pose as an aunt from Brazil--where the nuts come from.

Greek (4 years ago)
French (4 years ago)

Jacques Tourneur, Charlotte Brontë, Edith Barrett, Frances Dee, Tom Conway, James Ellison, Curt Siodmak, Ardel Wray, Inez Wallace

I Walked with a Zombie is a movie starring Frances Dee, Tom Conway, and James Ellison. A nurse is hired to care for the wife of a sugar plantation owner, who has been acting strangely, on a Caribbean island.

Spanish (4 years ago)
French (4 years ago)
French (4 years ago)