Movie search results







Virginia Madsen, James Wilder, Richard Cox, Kay E. Kuter, Ron Link, Tim Doyle, Aziz Ghazal, Elizabeth Passarelli

Zombie High is a movie starring Virginia Madsen, Richard Cox, and Kay E. Kuter. A woman begins to separate herself from her boyfriend in order to devote more time to her new environment. Soon, she notices that more students have...

English (4 years ago)
English (4 years ago)

Rudolf Martin, Zuher Khan, James Wilder, Joaquim de Almeida, Hilarion Banks, Scott Fivelson

Three Holes, Two Brads, and a Smoking Gun is a movie starring Zuher Khan, James Wilder, and Joaquim de Almeida. An ex-Hollywood screenwriter, now teaching an evening class in New York, finds himself in a battle of wits with a...

Vietnamese (4 years ago)
Romanian (4 years ago)