Movie search results







Donald E. Stewart, Sissy Spacek, Jack Lemmon, Melanie Mayron, Costa-Gavras, John Shea, Thomas Hauser, John Nichols

Missing is a movie starring Jack Lemmon, Sissy Spacek, and Melanie Mayron. When an idealistic American writer disappears during the Chilean coup d'état in September 1973, his wife and father try to find him.

English (3 years ago)
Serbian (3 years ago)
Greek (4 years ago)

Chris Messina, Jessica Alba, Sônia Braga, John Shea, Pamela Falk, Michael Ellis, Marilyn Agrelo, Aimee Bender

An Invisible Sign is a movie starring Jessica Alba, Chris Messina, and Sônia Braga. Mona Gray is a 20-year-old loner who, as a child, turned to math for salvation after her father became ill. As an adult, Mona now teaches the...

Romanian (4 years ago)
Malay (4 years ago)
Italian (4 years ago)