Movie search results

Tom Hanks, Sandra Bullock, Max von Sydow, Stephen Daldry, Eric Roth, Jonathan Safran Foer, Thomas Horn

Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close is a movie starring Thomas Horn, Tom Hanks, and Sandra Bullock. A nine-year-old amateur inventor, Francophile, and pacifist searches New York City for the lock that matches a mysterious key left...

English (4 years ago)
Vietnamese (4 years ago)
Vietnamese (4 years ago)

Elijah Wood, Liev Schreiber, Eugene Hutz, Boris Lyoskin, Jonathan Safran Foer

Everything Is Illuminated is a movie starring Elijah Wood, Eugene Hutz, and Boris Lyoskin. A young Jewish American man endeavors to find the woman who saved his grandfather during World War II in a Ukrainian village, that was...

Vietnamese (4 years ago)
Vietnamese (4 years ago)
Spanish (4 years ago)