Movie search results







Robert Redford, Sydney Pollack, Meryl Streep, Klaus Maria Brandauer, Michael Kitchen, Karen Blixen, Judith Thurman, Errol Trzebinski, Kurt Luedtke

Out of Africa is a movie starring Meryl Streep, Robert Redford, and Klaus Maria Brandauer. In 20th-century colonial Kenya, a Danish baroness/plantation owner has a passionate love affair with a free-spirited big-game hunter.

Korean (3 years ago)
Arabic (3 years ago)
Greek (4 years ago)

Judith Thurman, Werner Herzog, Jean Clottes, Julien Monney, Jean-Michel Geneste

Cave of Forgotten Dreams is a movie starring Werner Herzog, Jean Clottes, and Julien Monney. Werner Herzog gains exclusive access to film inside the Chauvet caves of Southern France and captures the oldest known pictorial creations...

Greek (3 years ago)
English (3 years ago)
Italian (4 years ago)