Movie search results

Jack Kirby, Stan Lee, Martin Roach, Ron Rubin, Linda Ballantyne, Tony Daniels

Avengers is a TV series starring Linda Ballantyne, Tony Daniels, and Ron Rubin. The adventures of the Marvel Comics Universe's greatest general membership superhero team.

English (4 years ago)
English (4 years ago)
English (4 years ago)

Jeff Schechter, Sugar Lyn Beard, Linda Edwards, Muriel Fahrion, Elena Kucharik, Dave Polter, Tom Schneider, Ralph Shaffer, Clark Wiley, Stephen Ouimette, Tracey Hoyt, Ron Rubin, Larry Jacobs, Ron Pitts, Mike Fallows

The Care Bears Big Wish Movie is a video starring Sugar Lyn Beard, Stephen Ouimette, and Tracey Hoyt. Feeling sad that her fellow Care Bears don't seem to appreciate her wishes, Wish Bear uses her wish star, Twinkers, to find some...

English (4 years ago)
English (4 years ago)
English (4 years ago)