Movie search results







Helen Mirren, Nicholas Clay, John Boorman, Thomas Malory, Cherie Lunghi, Rospo Pallenberg, Nigel Terry

Excalibur is a movie starring Nigel Terry, Helen Mirren, and Nicholas Clay. Merlin the magician helps Arthur Pendragon unite the Britons around the Round Table of Camelot, even as dark forces conspire to tear it apart.

Indonesian (3 years ago)
English (4 years ago)
Turkish (4 years ago)

Brad Pitt, Roddy McDowall, Donovan Leitch Jr., Rospo Pallenberg, Jill Schoelen, Steve Slavkin

Cutting Class is a movie starring Donovan Leitch Jr., Jill Schoelen, and Brad Pitt. A murderer is loose in a high school in this 'whodunit' movie.

Indonesian (4 years ago)
Indonesian (4 years ago)
Indonesian (4 years ago)

Brad Pitt, Roddy McDowall, Donovan Leitch Jr., Rospo Pallenberg, Jill Schoelen, Steve Slavkin

Cutting Class is a movie starring Donovan Leitch Jr., Jill Schoelen, and Brad Pitt. A murderer is loose in a high school in this 'whodunit' movie.

Korean (4 years ago)
English (4 years ago)
English (4 years ago)

Julia Ormond, Richard Harris, Nikita Mikhalkov, Rustam Ibragimbekov, Aleksey Petrenko, Oleg Menshikov, Rospo Pallenberg

Sibirskiy tsiryulnik is a movie starring Julia Ormond, Oleg Menshikov, and Aleksey Petrenko. At the turn of the century, a young Russian cadet falls in love with an American beauty, endangering his career and even their lives.

Vietnamese (4 years ago)
Vietnamese (4 years ago)
Serbian (4 years ago)

Powers Boothe, John Boorman, Meg Foster, Yara Vaneau, William Rodriguez, Rospo Pallenberg, Leonard Greenwood

The Emerald Forest is a movie starring Powers Boothe, Meg Foster, and Yara Vaneau. After the son of engineer Bill Markham is abducted by an aboriginal tribe on the edge of the rain forest, the engineer spends the next 10 years...

Swedish (3 years ago)






Max von Sydow, Louise Fletcher, William Peter Blatty, Richard Burton, John Boorman, Rospo Pallenberg, Linda Blair, William Goodhart

Exorcist II: The Heretic is a movie starring Richard Burton, Linda Blair, and Louise Fletcher. A teenage girl once possessed by a demon finds that it still lurks within her. Meanwhile, a priest investigates the death of the girl's...

Arabic (3 years ago)
English (3 years ago)
Spanish (4 years ago)