Movie search results







Sophie Cattani, Céline Sciamma, Zoé Héran, Malonn Lévana, Jeanne Disson

Tomboy is a movie starring Zoé Héran, Malonn Lévana, and Jeanne Disson. A family moves into a new neighborhood, and a 10-year-old named Laure deliberately presents as a boy named Mikhael to the neighborhood children.

Farsi/Persian (3 years ago)
English (3 years ago)
Vietnamese (4 years ago)

Alain Le Henry, Claude Miller, Vincent Rottiers, Sophie Cattani, Christine Citti, Yves Verhoeven, Nathan Miller, Emmanuel Carrère

Je suis heureux que ma mère soit vivante is a movie starring Vincent Rottiers, Sophie Cattani, and Christine Citti. Given up for adoption as a toddler, troubled teenager Thomas becomes obsessed with tracking down his birth mother....

French (4 years ago)

Alain Le Henry, Claude Miller, Vincent Rottiers, Sophie Cattani, Christine Citti, Yves Verhoeven, Nathan Miller, Emmanuel Carrère

Je suis heureux que ma mère soit vivante is a movie starring Vincent Rottiers, Sophie Cattani, and Christine Citti. Given up for adoption as a toddler, troubled teenager Thomas becomes obsessed with tracking down his birth mother....

Spanish (4 years ago)
French (4 years ago)
Brazillian Portuguese (4 years ago)