Movie search results

Li Gong, Yimou Zhang, Su Tong, Jingwu Ma, Saifei He, Cuifen Cao, Ni Zhen

Da hong deng long gao gao gua is a movie starring Li Gong, Jingwu Ma, and Saifei He. A young woman becomes the fourth wife of a wealthy lord, and must learn to live with the strict rules and tensions within the household.

Bengali (4 years ago)
English (4 years ago)
Bengali (4 years ago)






Ziyi Zhang, Joan Chen, Lili Ge, Daliang Huang, Yong Hou, Su Tong, Xian Zhang

Mo li hua kai is a movie starring Ziyi Zhang, Joan Chen, and Lili Ge. Generational family saga set in Shanghai in the thirties, sixties and eighties.

English (4 years ago)
English (4 years ago)
Chinese BG code (4 years ago)