Movie search results

Fred Williamson, George Eastman, Anna Kanakis, Enzo G. Castellari, Tito Carpi, Giancarlo Prete, Antonio Visone

I nuovi barbari is a movie starring Giancarlo Prete, Fred Williamson, and George Eastman. Two mercenaries help wandering caravans fight off an evil and aimless band of white-clad bikers after the nuclear holocaust.

Danish (4 years ago)
Danish (4 years ago)

Ernesto Gastaldi, George Eastman, Michael Sopkiw, Valentine Monnier, Anna Kanakis, Sergio Martino, Gabriel Rossini

2019 - Dopo la caduta di New York is a movie starring Michael Sopkiw, Valentine Monnier, and George Eastman. After a nuclear war, society breaks down into two groups, the evil Euraks and the rebel Federation. A mercenary named...

Danish (3 years ago)
Farsi/Persian (4 years ago)
Serbian (4 years ago)