Movie search results







Trey Parker, Matt Stone, David Zucker, Robert LoCash, Lewis Friedman, Dian Bachar, Yasmine Bleeth, Jeff Wright

BASEketball is a movie starring Trey Parker, Matt Stone, and Dian Bachar. Two childhood friends are pro athletes of a national sport called BASEketball, a hybrid of baseball and basketball, and must deal with a greedy businessman...

Turkish (3 years ago)
Arabic (3 years ago)
Danish (4 years ago)

Trey Parker, Matt Stone, Stan Brakhage, Dian Bachar, Stephen Blackpool

Alferd Packer: The Musical is a movie starring Trey Parker, Dian Bachar, and Stephen Blackpool. The sole survivor of an ill-fated mining expedition tells how his taste for gold was replaced by that of human flesh.

Spanish (4 years ago)
Polish (4 years ago)
Italian (4 years ago)