Movie search results







Franco Nero, Françoise Fabian, Gene Luotto, Damiano Damiani, Fulvio Gicca Palli, Pierluigi Aprà, Giancarlo Badessi, Enrico Ribulsi

Perché si uccide un magistrato is a movie starring Franco Nero, Françoise Fabian, and Pierluigi Aprà. The latest success by film-maker Giacomo Solaris is a crime thriller about a judge who gets too friendly with the Mafia and is...

Arabic (4 years ago)

Franco Nero, Martin Balsam, Marilù Tolo, Damiano Damiani, Fulvio Gicca Palli, Salvatore Laurani, Claudio Gora

Confessione di un commissario di polizia al procuratore della repubblica is a movie starring Franco Nero, Martin Balsam, and Marilù Tolo. One of the first films about the mafia occurrence, in which the fight is hopeless, because...

English (4 years ago)
Arabic (4 years ago)
Arabic (4 years ago)

Umberto Lenzi, Daniele Vargas, Richard Harrison, Luciana Gilli, Wilbert Bradley, Fulvio Gicca Palli, Emilio Salgari

La montagna di luce is a movie starring Richard Harrison, Luciana Gilli, and Wilbert Bradley. The Rajah of Punjab wants to come into possession of a famous gem known as "Mountain of Light". He asks adventurer Allan Foster to steal...