Movie search results

Jansen Panettiere, Jon Kent Ethridge, Eli Vargas, Alexandra Krosney, Blair Treu, Kent Pierce

The Last Day of Summer is a TV movie starring Jansen Panettiere, Jon Kent Ethridge, and Eli Vargas. Luke hates starting middle school and wishes for the last day of summer, the festival, to keep repeating itself. It does, at least...

English (3 years ago)
English (4 years ago)
Danish (4 years ago)

Robert Guillaume, Gavin MacLeod, Rich Christiano, Jansen Panettiere, Dave Christiano, Frankie Ryan Manriquez

The Secrets of Jonathan Sperry is a movie starring Gavin MacLeod, Jansen Panettiere, and Robert Guillaume. A wise old Christian man imparts Biblical truths to three boys during the summer of 1970.

Indonesian (4 years ago)
Farsi/Persian (4 years ago)
English (4 years ago)