Movie search results







Ron Silver, Jeff Speakman, Rochelle Swanson, Jack Adalist, Rick Avery, Harel Goldstein, Charles Morris Jr.

Deadly Outbreak is a video starring Jeff Speakman, Ron Silver, and Rochelle Swanson. A terrorist group lead by Colonel Baron has taken over an Israeli biochemical weapon laboratory. Colonel Baron wants to get his hands on a new...

English (4 years ago)
Arabic (4 years ago)






Christopher Neame, Albert Magnoli, Richard Friedman, Lewis Van Bergen, Jeff Speakman, Jennifer Gatti

Street Knight is a movie starring Jeff Speakman, Christopher Neame, and Lewis Van Bergen. A former cop returns to challenge a plot to escalate gang violence in the streets of Los Angeles.

English (4 years ago)

Mako, James Hong, Mark DiSalle, John Dye, Jeff Speakman, David C. Wilson

The Perfect Weapon is a movie starring Jeff Speakman, John Dye, and Mako. Jeff, a young delinquent, is enrolled by his father in a kenpo school, in the hopes of teaching the boy some self-discipline. Years later, Jeff's mentor, Kim,...

Swedish (4 years ago)
Swedish (4 years ago)
Spanish (4 years ago)

Mako, James Hong, Mark DiSalle, John Dye, Jeff Speakman, David C. Wilson

The Perfect Weapon is a movie starring Jeff Speakman, John Dye, and Mako. Jeff, a young delinquent, is enrolled by his father in a kenpo school, in the hopes of teaching the boy some self-discipline. Years later, Jeff's mentor, Kim,...

Vietnamese (3 years ago)
English (3 years ago)
Indonesian (4 years ago)