Movie search results

Selton Mello, Guel Arraes, Jorge Furtado, Deborah Secco, Camila Pitanga, Tonico Pereira

Caramuru: A Invenção do Brasil is a movie starring Selton Mello, Camila Pitanga, and Deborah Secco. Diogo Álvares, a Portuguese map illustrator, reaches the Brazilian coast, after his caravel sinks. He is saved by the Indian chief...

English (4 years ago)
English (4 years ago)
English (4 years ago)

Darlan Cunha, Guel Arraes, Jorge Furtado, Lázaro Ramos, Sophia Reis, Deborah Secco

Meu Tio Matou um Cara is a movie starring Darlan Cunha, Sophia Reis, and Lázaro Ramos. Boy tries to help his uncle, guilty of a murder case, to prove his innocence. He thinks the uncle has confessed the crime as a cover-up for his...

English (4 years ago)
English (4 years ago)
Brazillian Portuguese (4 years ago)

Luana Piovani, Jorge Furtado, Lázaro Ramos, Leandra Leal, Pedro Cardoso

O Homem Que Copiava is a movie starring Lázaro Ramos, Leandra Leal, and Luana Piovani. A Brazilian photocopier operator falls in love with a girl who lives in an opposite house and spends his evenings looking at her through his...

English (4 years ago)
English (4 years ago)
English (4 years ago)






Bruno Garcia, Andrea Beltrão, José Wilker, Marco Nanini, Guel Arraes, Jorge Furtado

Romance is a movie starring Andrea Beltrão, José Wilker, and Marco Nanini. During a remake of the play Tristan and Isolde, actors Peter and Ana fall in love. While the characters live an idealized love, the interpreters are living a...