Movie search results







Hyo-Seob Eom, Ki-Cheon Kim, Jeong-tae Kim, Hye-Rin Han, Je-yong Mun, Jung-mi Choi, Seon-Dong Yu

Nae sim-jang-eool sswa-la is a movie starring Hyo-Seob Eom, Hye-Rin Han, and Jeong-tae Kim. Based on the best-selling novel of the same name, this dramedy follows two psychiatric patients- one schizophrenic, the other sane and...

Indonesian (4 years ago)
Farsi/Persian (4 years ago)
Farsi/Persian (4 years ago)

Ji-Hyun Nam, Seung-Won Cha, In-Sook Kim, In-kwon Kim, Woo-Suk Kang, Jung-mi Choi, Beom-shin Park

Gosanja: Dae-dong-yeo Ji-do is a movie starring Seung-Won Cha, In-kwon Kim, and In-Sook Kim. At a time when maps weren't readily accessible for the public, 'Gosanja KIM Jeong-ho' (CHA Seoung-won) sets out to walk across the Korean...

Arabic (3 years ago)
Japanese (3 years ago)
English (3 years ago)