Movie search results

Paul Hilton, Katrine Bach, Aidan Woodward, Tom Chadbon, Justin Hardy, Charlie Foley, David McNab, Kevin Tao Mohs

The Last Dragon is a TV movie starring Paul Hilton, Katrine Bach, and Aidan Woodward. An imaginative blend of adventure and nature special that purports to investigate the discovery of a dragon's corpse in modern-day Romania. A...

Spanish (3 years ago)
Vietnamese (4 years ago)
English (4 years ago)

Ian Hart, Bill Paterson, Ed Stoppard, Sarah Smart, Justin Hardy, Mark Hayhurst

The Man Who Crossed Hitler is a TV movie starring Ed Stoppard, Ian Hart, and Bill Paterson. In November 1930 brown-shirted storm troopers of Hitler's SA break into the Communist Eden Palace club,killing several members. Jewish...

Italian (4 years ago)
Italian (4 years ago)