Movie search results

George Sewell, Donald James, Cyril Frankel, Kenneth Cope, Mike Pratt, Annette Andre, Dennis Spooner

Vendetta for a Dead Man is an episode of Randall and Hopkirk (Deceased) starring Mike Pratt, Kenneth Cope, and Annette Andre. On the anniversary of his capture by the then flesh and blood Marty Hopkirk, violent criminal Eric Jansen...

Farsi/Persian (4 years ago)
English (4 years ago)
English (4 years ago)

Keith Barron, Peter Newbrook, Kenneth Cope, Hilary Pritchard, Philippa Gail, David C. Rea, Theo Martin

She'll Follow You Anywhere is a movie starring Keith Barron, Kenneth Cope, and Hilary Pritchard. By chance the perfume creators Mike and Al produce a scent that makes women go wild for sex. While they desperately try to find the...

English (4 years ago)