Movie search results

Ryan Bartley, Billy Kametz, Aleks Le, Kim Strauss

Mushikago no Cagaster is a TV series starring Aleks Le, Kim Strauss, and Ryan Bartley. Insects that eat people. A girl with secrets in her past. A young exterminator who's almost too good at his job.

Vietnamese (3 years ago)
Indonesian (3 years ago)
Farsi/Persian (4 years ago)






Barbara Goodson, Dorothy Elias-Fahn, Michael McConnohie, Kim Strauss

Otogi zôshi is a TV series starring Dorothy Elias-Fahn, Michael McConnohie, and Kim Strauss. It is in the middle of the Heian era -- By famine and the epidemic, the capital was totally ruined. However, in spite of that situation,...

Arabic (3 years ago)
Arabic (3 years ago)
Arabic (4 years ago)