Movie search results







Massimo Girotti, Vittorio De Sica, Cesare Zavattini, Adolfo Franci, Diego Fabbri, Carlo Musso, Enrico Ribulsi, Marina Berti, Elettra Druscovich, Giuseppe Forcina, Piero Bargellini

La porta del cielo is a movie starring Marina Berti, Elettra Druscovich, and Giuseppe Forcina. A group of pilgrims embark on a long train journey to the sanctuary of Loreto, where they hope to receive a miracle.

English (4 years ago)

Henry King, Tyrone Power, Samuel Shellabarger, Orson Welles, Wanda Hendrix, Milton Krims, Marina Berti

Prince of Foxes is a movie starring Tyrone Power, Orson Welles, and Wanda Hendrix. An unscrupulous agent for the Borgias suffers a change of heart when asked to betray a noble count and his much younger, very beautiful wife.

Serbian (4 years ago)
French (4 years ago)
English (4 years ago)