Movie search results

Glen A. Larson, Simon MacCorkindale, Reni Santoni, Michael D. Roberts, Melody Anderson, Donald R. Boyle

Manimal is a TV series starring Simon MacCorkindale, Melody Anderson, and Reni Santoni. A man who can change himself into any animal fights crime.

Indonesian (4 years ago)
English (4 years ago)
English (4 years ago)

Anjelica Huston, Stewart Raffill, Stanford Sherman, Robert Urich, Mary Crosby, Michael D. Roberts

The Ice Pirates is a movie starring Robert Urich, Mary Crosby, and Michael D. Roberts. In a distant future scarce of water, space pirates get caught after stealing ice from a spaceship. They are sold to a princess looking for her...

Spanish (4 years ago)
Italian (4 years ago)
English (4 years ago)