Movie search results

Jeff Zimbalist, Michael Zimbalist, Brian Oakes, Robert Johnson, Terry Harmonica Bean, Rory Block, Yvonne Chireau, William Wheeler

ReMastered: Devil at the Crossroads is a TV movie starring Robert Johnson, Terry Harmonica Bean, and Rory Block. A look at the short, mysterious life of blues legend, Robert Johnson, who was said to have made a deal with the Devil...

Korean (4 years ago)
Indonesian (4 years ago)
French (4 years ago)

Quincy Jones, Jeff Zimbalist, Michael Zimbalist, Sam Cooke, Smokey Robinson, Dionne Warwick, Kelly Duane

ReMastered: The Two Killings of Sam Cooke is a TV movie starring Sam Cooke, Quincy Jones, and Smokey Robinson. An investigation into the circumstances and controversy surrounding Sam Cooke's murder.

Indonesian (4 years ago)
French (4 years ago)
Arabic (4 years ago)






Rian Malan, Solomon Linda, Delphi Linda, Elizabeth Linda, Sam Cullman, Jeff Zimbalist, Michael Zimbalist

ReMastered: The Lion's Share is a TV movie starring Rian Malan, Solomon Linda, and Delphi Linda. South African journalist Rian Malan searches for the original writers of the legendary song "The Lion Sleeps Tonight."

Turkish (4 years ago)
Thai (4 years ago)
Swedish (4 years ago)