Movie search results

Mona Barrie, Cleo Moore, Hugo Haas, Rick Vallin

Strange Fascination is a movie starring Cleo Moore, Hugo Haas, and Mona Barrie. Middle-aged European pianist Paul Marvan (Hugo Haas)is brought to America by wealthy widow Diana Fowler (Mona Barrie)and he meets and weds a...

English (4 years ago)

Earl Derr Biggers, Ray Milland, Philip MacDonald, Warner Oland, Stuart Anthony, Eugene Forde, Drue Leyton, Mona Barrie, Lester Cole

Charlie Chan in London is a movie starring Warner Oland, Drue Leyton, and Ray Milland. Charlie visits a wealthy country home in England. Suspects in the murder range from a housekeeper, to a stableman, to a lawyer.

Greek (4 years ago)
English (4 years ago)
English (4 years ago)