Movie search results

Robert Stack, Leonard Nimoy, Orson Welles, Ron Friedman, Norman Alden, Nelson Shin

The Transformers: The Movie is a movie starring Orson Welles, Robert Stack, and Leonard Nimoy. The Autobots must stop a colossal planet consuming robot who goes after the Autobot Matrix of Leadership. At the same time, they must...

Korean (3 years ago)
English (3 years ago)
Swedish (4 years ago)






Raquel Welch, Barry Sandler, Kevin McCarthy, Thomas Rickman, Helena Kallianiotes, Norman Alden, Jerrold Freedman, Calvin Clements Sr.

Kansas City Bomber is a movie starring Raquel Welch, Kevin McCarthy, and Helena Kallianiotes. Roller derby skater K.C. Carr (Raquel Welch) tries to balance her desire for a happy personal life and her dreams of stardom.

French (4 years ago)
English (4 years ago)