Movie search results

Gustavo Hernández, Oscar Estévez, Florencia Colucci, Abel Tripaldi, Gustavo Alonso, María Salazar, Gustavo Rojo

La casa muda is a movie starring Florencia Colucci, Abel Tripaldi, and Gustavo Alonso. A girl becomes trapped inside a house and becomes unable to contact the outside world as supernatural forces haunt it.

Bengali (3 years ago)
Bengali (3 years ago)
Turkish (4 years ago)






Julia Chan, Chris Kentis, Adam Trese, Elizabeth Olsen, Eric Sheffer Stevens, Laura Lau, Gustavo Hernández, Oscar Estévez

Silent House is a movie starring Elizabeth Olsen, Adam Trese, and Eric Sheffer Stevens. A girl is trapped inside her family's lakeside retreat and becomes unable to contact the outside world as supernatural forces haunt the house...

Vietnamese (4 years ago)
Swedish (4 years ago)
Swedish (4 years ago)