Movie search results

Kevin Rock, Gary Brandner, Antonio Fargas, Brendan Hughes, Michele Matheson, Sean Sullivan, Hope Perello

Howling VI: The Freaks is a video starring Brendan Hughes, Michele Matheson, and Sean Sullivan. A villainous carnival owner traps a young werewolf to include in his growing menagerie of inhuman exhibits.

Spanish (4 years ago)
English (4 years ago)
English (4 years ago)






Ryan Reynolds, Kristin Booth, Sean Sullivan, Joris Jarsky, William Phillips

Foolproof is a movie starring Ryan Reynolds, Kristin Booth, and Joris Jarsky. Kevin, Sam and Rob are founding members of a theoretical group which pulls off heists. Leo, a gangster, blackmails them into pulling off a real...

Danish (3 years ago)
Danish (3 years ago)
Arabic (3 years ago)