Movie search results

In-hye Lee, Seung-su Kim, Tae-gon Lee, Ho Lim

Gwanggaeto, the Great Conqueror is a TV series starring Seung-su Kim, In-hye Lee, and Tae-gon Lee. Gwanggaeto the Great, is a historical drama based on the life of the nineteenth monarch of Goguryeo, Gwanggaeto the Great.







Il-guk Song, Kwang-ryul Jun, Hye-jin Han, Seung-su Kim

Jumong is a TV series starring Il-guk Song, Hye-jin Han, and Seung-su Kim. An epic based on the myth of Jumong, founder of the ancient Korean kingdom of Goguryeo in 37 B.C.

Vietnamese (4 years ago)
Vietnamese (4 years ago)
Vietnamese (4 years ago)